
What is an oral implant

T he implant is an artificial replacement of the root of the tooth that is placed where a tooth is missing. Using implants we have the same feel and functionality in our mouth, with perfect chewing, proper articulation and perfect look making them the most appropriate solution for the replacement of our natural teeth.

Implant placement can be performed in any dental clinic with the proper equipment by a dentist who is properly trained. It is important to mention that the placement of an implant does not depend on your age but on the existing bone mass. Your dentist can help with the assesment using a panoramic x-ray or a CT scan of the jaw. The procedure is usually painless and can be carried out under local anesthesia like other dental treatments. The process involves a small incision in the gum and placement of the implant inside the bone. The next stage involves osseointegration of the implant and requires a reasonable amount of time. Afterwards, we can place single teeth or other prosthetic work on the implant that will be completely stable and will not cause any problems.

     The advantages of oral implants for the patient are many and various:
➢ They have the look and feel of natural teeth.
➢ We don't need to intervene with adjacent teeth for further prosthetic work.
➢ Bone atrophy or srinkage at the jawbone is eliminated.
➢ They offer us a completely normal life.
➢ Any prosthetic work is completely stable.
➢ They don't require covering of the palate, retaining the tasting ability unchanged.

Implants are suitable for all patients who have good bone mass and are healthy. Your dentist will inform you about the condition of your mouth to accept an implant as well as what kind of implants will be placed. You should know that the treatment requires good oral hygiene and frequent contact with your dentist. The success rate of implants is over 95%.

After the placement of the implants you are responsible fot the long-term success. Good oral hygiene is necessary as the implant is threatened by oral plaque. You should know that good brushing of the teeth after each meal is essential. Other means for oral hygiene will be indicated based on the prosthetic work selected in your case.